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Please note that all of the Poetry on this website has a Copyright and is the property of Heaven's Miraculous Angelic Giving Inspirational Child, Inc.

My longest poem in a video format calls on all of God's Children to serve.

Please help with this mission.


Thank you ! 


"The Kingdom of God; Rejoice, Awaken and Arise!"   

Completed on August 8, 2009 Feast Day of St. Cyriacus, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers 



02/16/2010 -02/24/2010

 Created on the Feast Days of

 St. Onesimus and St. Theristus

 By Laura Ann Osterman



He Misses You, Come Home and Make Him a Priority



The world cries out for justice and liberation,

but rarely comes to the Father for adoration.


The world cries out for peace from Heaven above,

but rarely sings to the Lord with faith, joy and love.


The world cries out for individual wants and desires,

but rarely worships Him who truly inspires.


The world cries out for cures of diseases and ills,

but rarely sits, listens and is silently still.


The world cries out for knowledge, wisdom and insight,

but it rarely takes time to heal His Kingdom’s blight,

act selflessly, repent, be sincere and contrite.


The world cries out to answers to questions in their daily lives,

but rarely takes time to worship, transform, love, and revive.


The world cries out for all of the insanity to stop,

but it uses most of its resources to shop, shop, shop.


The world cries out for a clear, vivid, concise picture

but rarely does its mind, heart, and soul contemplate scripture.


The world cries out when the earth doth shake and rumble,

but rarely does it act selfless, meek and humble.


The world cries out in times of tragic fate,

but it rarely lets go of greed, sin and hate.


The world cries out for individual lives to be enriched,

but it rarely releases Him to do His will in a hitch,

Will you serve Him, help His less fortunate, move, and make the switch?


The world cries out to fulfill hopes, desires, and dreams,

but it spends most of its free time in front of video game screens.


The world secures its possessions and valuables from theft by others,

but rarely shares abundance and blessings with its sisters and brothers.


The world cries out to receive gifts which only He can bestow,

but rarely does mankind trust, have faith, relax, and just let go.


The world cries out often for a rebirth, renewal, and revision,

but it spends most of its free time in front of the television.


The world cries out to see His holy and blessed face

but it rarely goes out and serves others with His grace.


The world cries out for redemption, delivery and salvation,

but it rarely passes on the faith to the next generation.


Make time to partake in His daily feast.

Prioritize His importance as first, not least.


Trust in Him to fulfill His prophecy of “Thy Kingdom Come”.

Rejoice, arise, awaken, unite and ALL become as ONE.


Take time to turn off distractions from your daily lives.

Be silent and be still, feel His Holy Spirit thrive!


Every once in a while honor Him with a sacrificial fast.

Show Him love and compassion for His children who are fed last.


He sees through your eyes, hears through your ears and touches through your hands.

Will you offer them to Him to heal pain and suffering throughout all of the land?


How many times has the world sung out and prayed the words

 “Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will Be Done”

Rejoice, awaken and arise, He is here, NOW, let’s get busy; there is much to be done.


Turn away from selfish and empty worldly desires.

Ignite the burning flame within your hearts and inspire.


Go out into the world and partake in charitable deeds.

Transform, love, heal, and revitalize people who are in great need.

Act as though He is here right NOW, be His Apostles and live His Creed!






By the grace of God, after some contemplative prayer,  I created this poem on the day of the 
Easter Millenium in the year 2000
May it comfort anyone in their time of loss.

Please feel free 
to share it with others.


 "Remember” -  By Laura Ann Osterman

Remember when you cry,

you were never condemned to die.

Remember when you think you fail,

that your flesh was never pierced by a nail.

Remember when you are a victim of ridicule and scorn,

that you never wore a crown of thorns.

Remember in your times of loss,

that you were never hung upon a cross.

Remember when you feel alone,

you can reach me in my heavenly home.

Remember that I rose to a heavenly stay,

so that I could be with you everyday.

Remember that I love you with all of my heart,

your destiny is to create Heaven on Earth 
and NOW is the perfect time to start!

Remember when you feel like a sinner,

that you’re forgiven and act like a winner!

Remember when you miss someone close to your heart,

shared joy, fun, and love will never keep you apart.

They can live forever, as I do, in your heart.



News about other people & information we like via RSS feeds


   Created on the feast day of

   St. John Eudes

    By Laura Ann Osterman


Life is a Gift.                                                                             
Let Go, Give It Back

To Him.                                       

It’s not our choice to choose the morn

in which our gentle souls are born.

It’s not our choice to choose the eve

in which our tender souls take leave.

The only choice within our power

is to love and serve in every hour.

The only choice within every day

is to have hope, believe, trust and pray.

The only choice within every year

is to gain more strength in every tear.

The only choice within our own lives

is to accept our fate and to survive.

It’s not up to us to choose the night

in which our delicate souls take flight.

It’s not up to us to choose the dawn

in which our last breath will be drawn.

The only choice within every mind

is to be gentle, loving and kind.

The only choice within every heart

is to serve Him from the very start.

The only choice within every soul,

learn to accept pieces of the whole.

It’s up to us to choose how we live.

It’s up to us to love, serve, and give.

It’s up to us to honor our birth.

What we do for Him is our true worth.

His desire is Heaven on Earth.

Just let go and listen to your heart.

He will guide you to the place to start.

Just let go and sit silently still.

In those moments you will hear His will.

Give Him your arms to hug those with needs.

Give Him your love in your words and deeds.

Give Him your voice in things that you say.

Give Him your moments of every day.

Give Him your feet to get there and share.

Give Him your heart to love, serve and care.

Give Him your gifts to share with mankind.

Give Him your mind to transcend space and time.

Give Him your hands to create and design.

Give Him your soul and reach the sublime.

There is an ecstasy that cannot be shaken.

Give Him everything and you will awaken.

Awaken and you‘ll never be alone.

Your mind, heart and soul will be home.

You’ll no longer be the living dead

You’ll be alive serving Him instead.

Trust and it will never be too late.

Just give, let go and accept your fate.

It’s not our choice to choose dawn or night

when hearts and souls begin or take flight.

It’s not our choice to choose mourn or eve

when hearts and souls emerge or take leave.

The only choices within our lives

are to give, love, honor, serve and thrive.

every waking moment we’re alive.

Live every day as though it may be our last.

Live fully until our own time here has passed.

Love until our time comes to an end.

Love until our hearts and souls transcend.

Life is His gift, let go, give it away

He’ll be there beside you every day.

Life is our gift.

When we give the gift back to mankind,

Our souls transcend and reach the sublime.

Life is our gift.

When we give the gift back unto Him,

a more heavenly world will begin.

Let go, give, love, rejoice, awaken and arise.

A miracle will occur right before our eyes.

Life is a gift, let go, and give it back to Him.

Our world will transform, heavenly earth will begin.






Of all of my blessings, I am extremely grateful for His gift of grace through poetry which nourishes my mind, heart and soul:)

It’s Not My Birthday

                                                                                           By Laura Ann Osterman

Created during Advent 2010

                                                                                               Published on St. Christiana’s Feast Day

December 15, 2010


As I head out to Black Friday sales,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday.


As I cut sugar cookies in the shape of elves,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I stuff stocking with candies and treats,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I hear carolers singing in the streets,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I head out for yet another shopping spree,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I seek, choose and decorate the most perfect tree,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I hang up outside Christmas lights,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I hear the song “Silent Night”

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday” 


As I gather with the community at Midnight Mass,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I remember and reflect on Christmases of the past,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I try to consider the most perfect gift,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As my heart fills with the joy of the season and my spirits lift,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I set up a crèche in my cozy home,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I listen to Christmas music when I am driving alone,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I wrap the perfect gift for someone I love,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I consider Him, our blessing from Heaven above,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”



As I see Christmas lights shining brightly in the night,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I set quietly watching glistening Advent wreath lights,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”



As I contemplate our Savior’s birth from Heaven above,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday”


As I consider God’s priceless gift,

the inception of His Kingdom,

forgiveness, grace and love,

I pause and reflect,

“It’s not my birthday” 

Chreshe set

Happy Birthday Jesus:)